Brutally Honest Review of Proven Amazon Course

I am back, reader, after an unexpectedly long absence from this website.

This is an opportunity to introduce to Amazon, several new techniques that I have learned from marketing on Shopify.

The Proven Amazon Course by Jim Cockrum is the first part of the series. It is possible to listen to or watch or listen to the 40 or so minutes of the course here. It is very candid presentation with some bad language included.

It is intended for those individuals who are trying to decide whether or not they are going to take the course. It is not for those who have already purchased the course and want to confirm that they made the right decision. It does not really matter if you love or hate the course. I am an owner of PAC and a member of the group. However, there are certain parts of the course that I definitely don’t like.

The Short Version

All of these points are covered in the video. My overall impression is that PAC has useful information and is reasonably priced. However, the courses are primarily webinars with information that has previously be covered. It is my opinion that this is not a well-structured or efficient method of instruction.

This is not an efficient way to present information. It is similar to panning for gold in a river


PAC supporters and affiliates assert that it is the best choice. They compare prices and find that since PAC includes a PL course and has other features, it is clearly superior to ASM. They also provide their affiliate link.

However, if I am focusing on Private Label (PL), I am not concerned about liquidation flips, retail arb or online arb.

I question whether it is possible to compare PAC’s Private Label offering that has a nine-part, very disjointed webinar with what is offered by ASM. This is because ASM is one of the most in-depth and largest Amazon training program that is available.

It is true that ASM is overpriced and very expensive. However, that is not what we are comparing. The third Private Label course is now being offered. The first course was the very poor and not worthwhile taking. The second course, entitled Proven Private Label, by Tom Freeman was excellent. However, that course in now outdated. The third iteration of the course (as mentioned above) is only a series of webinars. (should be about 1k IMO )

It is not possible to make a valid comparison between PAC’s Private Label course and ASM (or even the free Private Label Classroom from Scot Volker). It is like comparing apples with oranges.

There are several other problems with PAC. Overall, the course is very disorganized and extremely uneven in the quality of the material. The PAC Amazon Merch course, which I was looking forward to, is just an introduction with absolutely no value. There are just webinars for the coffee course. The international selling section also consists of webinars. There is no useful tax information for either US or UK sellers.

However, there are some situations where I do recommend the PAC course.

There are several reasons why I sometime recommend the PAC course. Overall, the PAC course is very cost effective, there are free lifetime updates, it offers some free e-books and the community is helpful (although there are some problems with the course forum).

The PAC course also includes other Amazon business models which might be useful for individuals interested bookselling, arbitrage and other topics.

The webinars shouldn’t be called courses, although they do have some very good information in them.

The video contains the full version of the review as well as specific criticism of the group's censorship policy.

Additional Information on Proven Amazon Course By Jim Cockrum

The Pick a Guru is not very useful.

Readers of my blog know that I am not fond of affiliate marketing or many other schemes to make money online. However, you may not be aware that I have spent a considerable amount of money during my career on training. I will continue to do so, if it appears to be useful,

The courses are reviewed and promoted by greedy affiliate marketers. These individuals will give good reviews about any product that will generate good commissions for them.

I am tired of this situation. Therefore, I will be doing honest, candid reviews that are completely objective. I can do this because I have nothing to gain by giving overly positive reviews. I have absolutely no ulterior motive and I stand to earn no commissions from any reviews that I write.

A related issue with many course reviews is that if the person actually bought the course, is that they do them retroactively to justify the high cost of the course. As a result, it is impossible for them to give totally objective reviews.

By contrast, I don’t care.

Therefore, my Amazon reviews will be posted here. My other reviews for other sites, like Mech, Shopify, etc., can be found on my youtube playlist. These other reviews may not generate interest from my readers who sell on Amazon.

I want this to be a site where it is possible to share opinions and provide honest reviews of different types of e-commerce training. It has been my experience that public criticism is usually discouraged in the various guru groups. This will be where any type of feedback (bad, good or neutral) is welcome.

It will not be a place to just criticize a course. Instead, people will be able to share their opinions and make their own decisions.

Proven Amazon Course FAQ

Amazon course is suitable for anyone new or in an already growing business. Whether you are a beginner, an intermediate, or an advanced student on Amazon, it is worth the investment. There is much difference when you take up the course regardless of your level.

There is a lot of information to gain from the course, and the various course levels enable you to keep on upgrading from one level to another as you learn new skills and expertise to sell on Amazon. Your new skills help you improve your business, which is a way of getting more profit and growing the business.

The course explains each step under every level, showing you how to run your business at each stage and giving you more deep details that you will need to know about the Amazon business. You will also understand how to create your account, especially if you are new on Amazon.

The Amazon sales circle is also part of the course where you get relevant information about the many options of running your Amazon business. With the help of the Silent Sales Machines on Amazon, you will get all the relevant information without any struggle.

How Do I Know a Suitable FBA Course?

There are various courses on Amazon, depending on your level. You can take up any session that fits your description of the three categories. Below is the type per each level.

Beginner level course for LinkedIn learners- Beginners learn the necessary skills on how to sell on Amazon. There is a short introduction class to help you handle customer reviews and feedback, get your buyers compliments about your products, and learn the Seller Central essential e-commerce works.

You will also understand the basics around the pros and cons of Amazon FBA services against using other elements like warehousing and shipping.

Beginner level course for selling Amazon Books- If you can sell books on Amazon, you can make good money. Under this course, you will learn about business models to guide you in selling books on Amazon. It has all the required information about the entire FBA course.

Intermediate Course for Sourcing Amazon FBA Goods- You will learn how to source renewable products in this class. You will also learn how to increase your business profit by reducing the cost of your goods. There are 29 videos with adequate information about how to source for your products from retail stores using online services.

Intermediate level Proven Amazon Course- The class updates and gives comprehensive information on using Amazon FBA. The main course teaches about the listing of products, shipping, and product sourcing. It has several videos and materials on inventory, private labeling, and report policies.

What Factors will Guide Me in Choosing the Right FBA Course?

Before choosing the best FBA course, there are factors you will need to consider to get the best out of the course. You need to weed out the best out of the various Amazon courses with healthy information. Here are your best considerations.

Price- You need to choose a course that favors your budget. There are various courses at different rates. There are best budget apps that can guide you on choosing the right path. From the multiple courses of your choice, ensure you settle for one that suits your needs.

FBA instructor- You need an instructor with the best knowledge and sound reputation. You don’t want to invest money for the sake of it. Ensure you get quality for your investment by choosing an instructor worth your time and resources. Choose an instructor with a record of successful businesses in the field.

Skills Taught- Find out if there is a class syllabus before you settle for an FBA course. An excellent course should have an outline of what you will be learning, including the dates, topics, and specific times. The items will guide you in deciding whether the course is suitable for your needs.

Why Does Anyone Need to Take an Amazon FBA Course?

An Amazon course is an essential element for the success of your Amazon business. It is highly recommended, and you can start with used books because they are affordable. But if you have enough money to start on straight away, it is still okay.

There are also DVDs and videos with other stuff. However, to get first-hand quality information, you will still need to do a paid FBA course. The course is a crucial factor in the success of your business. So, no matter how many free materials you have read on the internet, make an effort to subscribe to a highly rated course.

You are worth the skills you gain from the course, an in-depth course with wealthy information will be crucial if you want to make a killing from your products.

What Do I Need to Consider Before Choosing an FBA Course?

Amazon FBA is a course that sharpens your selling skills on Amazon. You will learn the basics of selling on Amazon as well as essential details, including Amazon registration details, how to expand your Amazon business, and much other relevant information.

There are various Amazon courses, and you will need to choose one relevant to your needs. The course also has multiple learning steps ranging from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. You can start from the lowest level and upgrade to other levels as you earn more skills.

How Much Do I Need to Pay for FBA?

The cost of FBA cost varies with the unit. There are lower units under individual and higher units under professionals, and the price ranges from 45 cents to $1.35. The high level costs $39.99 and is payable monthly.
Apart from monthly subscriptions, you have another option of paying for each item anytime you make as a sale.

There are also referral fees for each item sold on Amazon. You will pay the taxes as Amazon commission for each item, which is a flat rate of 15% and below. Amazon deducts the fees after a sale transaction and then subtracted from your Amazon account balance.

Is Amazon FBA Relevant? Does it Work?

Yes, Amazon FBA is a popular online channel that earns you income. There are millions of people across the world, making a kill on Amazon sales. You can enlist any item on Amazon, ranging from personally crafted items, purchased products, or any items that you no longer want.

Enrolling for the Amazon FBA course will help you to understand how Amazon FBA works. You will be able to use Amazon advanced shipping services for your products and earn more skills about selling on Amazon and improving your business, which helps you generate more money from Amazon.

How Does Amazon FBA work?

Amazon FBA is simple because Amazon handles all the hard work for you. You will need to post your goods on Amazon, by indicating what type of products you are selling. Amazon will inform you about the warehouses you will use to ship your products.

Your products get sorted by Amazon, and the products are added to the inventory. In case of any damages during the sorting of your goods, Amazon will refund losses incurred. When a customer makes a purchase, Amazon will take charge of the transaction by accepting the payment and updating your warehouse.

The product gets packed into a box from your Amazon store and is shipped to the buyer. The customer service is taken care of by Amazon, ensuring that the product gets delivered as ordered and in time. When the product gets delivered to the customer, you get notified by Amazon.

In case a customer is not satisfied with the product, Amazon follows up with you. You will need to take action and see what type of product your customer needed. The feedback goes to your product listing, so it is up to follow up. Once the sale is successful, Amazon pays you every two weeks. They deduct your seller fees and deposit your dues to your bank account.

Is Amazon FBA Worth it in 2020?

Yes, Amazon FBA has been profitable for many years, and it remains useful in 2020. It may go for so many years, getting more valuable every single year. However, you need to ensure that you grow your profitability as Amazon grows. You may need to enhance your selling skills from time to time.

You will need new marketing strategies and new approaches to increase sales and get more profits. Millions of businesses are growing daily on Amazon, and many of the business owners upgrade their skills to remain relevant in the industry. You will need to understand the current trends and practices and what will make your products sell faster.

Amazon has come a long way, and many businesses started small, but they have grown to multi-million-dollar companies. You will notice the current trend of increased sellers every single year. That is an indication that the industry is still relevant in 2020. With high levels of competition, you will need to learn how to introduce your product in 2020 to make an instant hit on Amazon.